Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why Die, Horse, Die?

Hello. This is a blog about horses, and how they completely suck. These slobbering, braying, four-legged, fornicating, dangerous perverts are an obsolete pestilence held over from the mistaken days of old usage. Perhaps a horse was once useful; now they are not. Why should we continue to keep these disgusting creatures any further? If you ask me, every fucking horse that's alive today is getting a completely free ride to immeasureable amounts of moochiness.

What the fuck does a horse DO all day? People ride them sometimes, and some of those times, the horse kills them. Aside from that, they pretty much just eat, shit and fuck all day on someone else's dime.


If we're going to put these fuckers to work, then let's make it something useful. However, the only thing horses are good for is riding, and let's talk to Christopher Reeve about how much use riding horses are.

Christopher Reeve

Further evidence to be documented.

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